The Lake Blackshear Regional Library System Outreach Services and Bookmobile

Am I eligible?

Our Outreach services are available to anyone who:

    • Lives in one of the four counties, outside city limits

    • Is unable to use the library because of illness or physical disability

    • Is a resident at a nursing home or assisted living facility

    • Is a teacher at daycare centers, Head Start programs or special community programs

Do I need a library card?

You will need to have a valid PINES card to use the Bookmobile.

What materials can the Bookmobile deliver, and when?

The Bookmobile can bring you any circulating item from any of our libraries and any circulating, non-AV item from other PINES libraries.

How long can I keep materials I get from the Bookmobile?

You can keep your materials until the Bookmobile comes back to visit you. No overdue fines will be charged for items obtained through the Bookmobile.


How will you know what materials I want?

You can request materials by contacting the Outreach Coordinator at 229-924-8091 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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The Lake Blackshear Regional Library (Americus) holds a subscription to BookPage, courtesy of the Sumter County Friends of the Public Library, and keeps current copies at the front desk. These are free to the public. Click here to go to the online BookPage.

Our Mission

The Lake Blackshear Regional Library System's mission is to provide organized access to information through various formats and meet educational, informational, recreational and cultural needs of the citizens of Crisp, Dooly, Schley and Sumter Counties, and to improve efficiency in operations.

The Crisp County Library Board meets at 4:00 PM on the first Thursday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Cordele.
The Dooly County Library Board meets at 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Vienna.
The Schley County Library Board meets at 5:00 PM on the second Monday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Ellaville. 
The Sumter County Library Board meets at 6:00 PM on the first Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Americus.
The Lake Blackshear Regional Library board meets at 6:30 PM on the third Thursday of February (in Schley County), on the third Thursday of May (in Crisp County), on the third Thursday of August (in Sumter County), and on the third Thursday of November (in Dooly County).

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