Sumter County Friends of the Public Library


Who are the Sumter County Friends of the Public Library?

The Friends of the Library are volunteers who demonstrate their belief in the importance of excellent public libraries by:

    • becoming members of the Sumter County Friends of the Public Library.
    • donating their old books, money and time for the benefit of the Lake Blackshear Regional Library.
    • sorting, boxing and pricing books donated for the Book Sales.
    • organizing, staffing and conducting the annual Book Sales.

Become a Friend Today

We need your help to continue to provide the extras that local, state and federal funds cannot cover.? It is important to provide our citizens with the best and most current materials so our community can continue to grow in knowledge.? We are proud to have had a part in making the Lake Blackshear Regional Library progressive and we look forward to continuing this partnership as we begin our fourth decade of service.

Won't you join us today?

Benefits of Membership:

    • The satisfaction that comes with the knowledge that you are supporting and promoting the Lake Blackshear Regional Library.
    • The fun of working at the library and at the Book Sales.
    • The camaraderie of meeting new friends who love books.  

Print the form below or click here to download a PDF version for print. Return this form to: 307 East Lamar Street, Americus, GA 31709




Return this form to:  307 East Lamar Street, Americus, GA  31709


Name _____________________   Date ________


Address ____________________________


Phone  Home _____________   Work ____________


_____  Individual $ 5.00                                  _____  Family $15.00

_____  Youth (Age 17 & under) $ 1.00           _____  Senior Citizens (Over Age 65) $1.00

_____  Business or Organization $25.00        _____  Sponsor $100.00++


If you would prefer to receive notices by email, please provide your address.



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The Lake Blackshear Regional Library (Americus) holds a subscription to BookPage, courtesy of the Sumter County Friends of the Public Library, and keeps current copies at the front desk. These are free to the public. Click here to go to the online BookPage.

Our Mission

The Lake Blackshear Regional Library System's mission is to provide organized access to information through various formats and meet educational, informational, recreational and cultural needs of the citizens of Crisp, Dooly, Schley and Sumter Counties, and to improve efficiency in operations.

The Crisp County Library Board meets at 4:00 PM on the first Thursday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Cordele.
The Dooly County Library Board meets at 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Vienna.
The Schley County Library Board meets at 5:00 PM on the second Monday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Ellaville. 
The Sumter County Library Board meets at 6:00 PM on the first Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at the library in Americus.
The Lake Blackshear Regional Library board meets at 6:30 PM on the third Thursday of February (in Schley County), on the third Thursday of May (in Crisp County), on the third Thursday of August (in Sumter County), and on the third Thursday of November (in Dooly County).

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